The Code Enforcement Division of the Community Development Department has the following duties:
To perform the inspections and investigations, and to take such actions as are necessary to enforce compliance with County ordinances, resolutions, and regulations relating to zoning and land use, grading, public nuisances, including visual blight, recreational vehicles and tents, and other codes and regulations as directed by the Director of Community Development.
The Code Enforcement Officer also serves as a Vehicle Abatement and Parking Enforcement Officer and in that capacity, within the County of Del Norte, has the duty and power to enforce any parking ordinance of the County of Del Norte or the State of California.
The County of Del Norte Code Enforcement Division also provides services for the enforcement of ordinances and regulations of the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority, a joint powers authority of the City of Crescent City and the County of Del Norte.
County Code Violation Complaint Form.pdf
It is the Bidder's/Proposer's responsibility to check this website for addenda. The County will post addenda to this website at least 72 hours in advance of the bid opening or proposal submittal deadline.
Countywide Bid, RFP, and RFQ Notification List you may subscribe to the Countywide Bid, RFP, and RFQ notification list by sending an email to: This list is managed by the Information Technology Department.
The County of Del Norte (“County”) intends to retain a qualified contractor to provide on-call public nuisance abatement services for the Community Development Department (CDD), Code Enforcement Division, as described within this RFP throughout the County of Del Norte. This document details the scope of service to be performed and outlines the evaluation and selection process.
Request for Proposal for On-Call Nuisance Abatement Services
Fillable Attachment B - Fee Schedule
Addendum No. 1 - September 27, 2022
Addendum No. 2 - September 28, 2022
Revised Fillable Attachment B - Rate Schedule