Engineering and Surveying

Jon Olson, PE  |  County Engineer
James Barnts, PE  |  County Surveyor
Rosanna Bower, PE  |  Assistant County Engineer
Vacant  |  Engineering Technician
Jessyka Danielson  |  Secretary

981 H Street, Suite 110  |  Crescent City, CA 95531
(707) 464-7229  |  Fax (707) 465-0340

The Engineering and Surveying Division of the Community Development Department participates in the review and compliance determinations for projects before the County. This Division assists the Road Division in the maintenance and improvements of the County Streets and Roads system. The Division is responsible for flood control structures, County Service Areas, the County addressing program, and the review of drainage plans, grading plans, improvement plans for new development, and also assists other divisions of the Department and other County Departments in the maintenance and improvement of County infrastructure.

Heidi Kunstal

 Community Development Department Director
981 H Street, Suite 110  |  Crescent City, CA 95531
Building Inspection  |  (707) 464-7253
Code Enforcement  |  (707) 464-7254
Engineering & Surveying  |  (707) 464-7229
Environmental Health  |  (707) 465-0426
Planning  |  (707) 464-7254
Roads  |  (707) 464-7238