The Del Norte County Service Area No. 1 (CSA-1) provides sanitary sewer collection service to the unincorporated Crescent City area. Sewer collected by the CSA-1 travels through a series of gravity sewer mains, sewer lift stations, and pressure sewer mains before flowing into the City of Crescent City's sewer collection system where it is transported to the Crescent City Wastewater Treatment Facility. The CSA-1 is administered by the Del Norte County Engineering and Surveying Division with operations and maintenance undertaken by the City of Crescent City Public Works Department. The system includes approximately 33 miles of gravity sanitary sewer mains, 4 miles of pressure sanitary sewer mains, and 15 lift stations.
To report a CSA-1 sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) please call (do not leave a voicemail):
Questions regarding the CSA-1 should directed to the Del Norte County Engineering and Surveying Division at 707-464-7229 or