Planning Division

Jessica Pollard | Planner
Vacant | Planner
Joyce Yang| Planning Secretary

981 H Street, Suite 110  |  Crescent City, CA 95531
(707) 464-7254  |  Fax (707) 465-0340

The Planning Division of the Community Development Department administers and enforces zoning and subdivision regulations in accordance with the Del Norte County General Plan, Local Coastal Program, and applicable state laws. The Division is responsible for processing applications for development permits and providing public information on the general plan, zoning, and subdivision matters. This Division seeks to protect and preserve the high quality of the County's natural and built environments.


The Planning Commission meets the first Wednesday of each month at the Del Norte County Board of Supervisors Chambers located at the Flynn Administrative Building, 981 H Street, Suite 100, Crescent City.  If the first Wednesday falls on a holiday, please check the County Calendar to see the rescheduled date.  

  • Please submit any public comments by 3:00 PM on the day of the meeting if you are unable to attend in person. Please limit comments to 3000 characters. Please submit only one comment per agenda item and only one general public comment to Planning Commission Public Comment
Planning Commission Meetings

Heidi Kunstal

Community Development Department Director
981 H Street, Suite 110  |  Crescent City, CA 95531
Building Inspection  |  (707) 464-7253
Code Enforcement  |  (707) 464-7254
Engineering & Surveying  |  (707) 464-7229
Environmental Health  |  (707) 465-0426
Planning  |  (707) 464-7254
Roads  |  (707) 464-7238