Community Development
General Information
Phone Numbers
(707) 464-7238
Fax: (707) 465-0315
Emergencies: Dial 911
500 E. Cooper Avenue
Crescent City,

Bid/Proposal Documents

It is the Bidder's/Proposer's responsibility to check this website for addenda. The County will post addenda to this website at least 72-hours in advance of bid opening or proposal submittal deadline.

Countywide Bid, RFP, and RFQ Notification List - You may subscribe to the countywide Bid, RFP, and RFQ notification list by sending an email to:  This list is managed by the Information Technology Department.

Notice of Invitation to Bid

Rock Crushing Services – Project No. 2025-01

Del Norte County is soliciting bids for the crushing and/or resizing of an existing 15,400 cubic yard rock stockpile at the Road Division’s maintenance facility at 500 S. Fred Haight Drive, Smith River, CA.  The material will be crushed on-site and stockpiled on-site at a location identified by the County Engineer or his designee.  See Appendix A for Specifications.

Del Norte County was awarded $75,000 in Title II Secure Rural Schools Act funds for rock crushing services with the crushed rock to be used in maintaining the County’s Forest Highways.  The County is requesting proposals for crushing rock up to the total of the amount of funds awarded to the County.  

Sealed bid proposals will be received at the Del Norte County Community Development Department Roads Division located at 500 E. Cooper Avenue, Crescent City, CA 95531 until but not after 3:00 PM on Thursday, January 16, 2025, at which time all and place all proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud.  All details are included in the Invitation to Bid and Sample Contract.  See the link below.  Any addenda will be posted to this webpage.

Invitation to Bid and Sample Contract

Heidi Kunstal

Community Development Department Director
981 H Street, Suite 110  |  Crescent City, CA 95531
Building Inspection  |  (707) 464-7253
Code Enforcement  |  (707) 464-7254
Engineering & Surveying  |  (707) 464-7229
Environmental Health  |  (707) 465-0426
Planning  |  (707) 464-7254
Roads  |  (707) 464-7238