CAL FIRE Seeking Public Comment

News Release

CAL FIRE Seeking Public Comment on Newly Released Fire Hazard Severity Zones in Local Responsibility Areas

Post Date: 3/12/2025

CAL FIRE Seeking Public Comment on newly Released Fire Hazard Severity Zones in Local Responsibility Area

On 2/24/2025, CAL FIRE released an update to the Fire Hazard Severity Zone (FHSZ) map for Del Norte County and is seeking public comment. The State Fire Marshal identifies areas in the State as moderate, high, and very high hazard severity zones based on consistent statewide criteria and the severity of fire hazard that is expected to prevail in those areas. Previously, the FHSZ maps were only applicable to the State Responsibility Area (SRA), where the State has financial responsibility for wildland fire protection and prevention. The updated map now covers portions of the Local Responsibility Area (LRA), where the local government is responsible for wildfire protection.

The updated FHSZ map can be accessed at:

For full details about what the new designations mean, CAL FIRE has prepared the LRA Legislation Factsheet which may be accessed at this link. Pages 10 and 11 are Frequently Asked Questions. Additionally, there is a link to questions and answers about insurance from the State Insurance Commissioner.

Future development on land designated as High Fire Hazard Severity Zone must comply with the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) codes from the California Building Code Chapter 7A which may be accessed at this link.

The Del Norte County Community Development Department is collecting public comment on behalf of the CAL FIRE via survey responses. The Community Development Department encourages all residents and stakeholders to review the proposed maps, ask questions, and submit their comments. The survey can be accessed at: Verbal comments can be left at: 707-464-7254.

Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps are created by CAL FIRE under the direction of the State Fire Marshal. Local agencies, including the County of Del Norte and the City of Crescent City, do not control the creation of the maps but are required to ensure the community has the opportunity to review and provide feedback.

Your participation is a vital part of this state-mandated process and contributes to a safer, more informed community.

The 90-day public comment period opened on 2/24/2025 and will close on May 25, 2025. If you have any questions about the maps and the process, you may contact the Office of the State Fire Marshal at or by calling (916) 633-7655.

More: County News