
Alissia Northrup
County Clerk/Recorder, Registrar of Voters, Public Administrator
981 H Street, Suite 160 | Crescent City, CA 95531
Phone (707) 464-7216
The Del Norte County Elections Office is responsible for the registration of voters, maintenance of voter files, the conduct of federal, state, local and special elections and the verification of initiative, referendum and recall petitions. Currently there are approximately 12,000 registered voters, and 19 voting precincts established for countywide elections.
- On election day, initial results from Vote-By-Mail ballots are expected to be posted shortly after the polls close at 8pm. The last set of results for the evening are typically posted by 11pm on election night.
- Updates and election results will be posted to our Elections Update Group and posted on the County Facebook Page.
- To receive updates via email, subscribe to our group by sending an email to: election-updates+subscribe@co.del-norte.ca.us
- Out of the area voters can call 1-844-223-5328 to check the status of their ballot.
- For a live stream of the ballot counting process, visit the County of Del Norte YouTube page
November 5th, 2024 General Election